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Buckshot Roulette Items

Buckshot Roulette: A Guide to All Items

In-Game Items

Each round in Buckshot Roulette, you'll receive a handful of items to help turn the odds in your favor. Items are an important part of the game's gameplay, acting like different cards that you can use to make strategies or tricks.


After downing a can of Beer, you'll eject the current shell in the Shotgun's chamber. You can also use multiple Beers in a row to help empty the chamber.

Other Items

Here is a list of all the existing items in Buckshot Roulette and their descriptions:

  • Bandage: Heals you for 10 HP.
  • Bullet: Gives you an extra bullet to load into the Shotgun.
  • Dice: Rolls a random number, which determines how many shells are ejected from the Shotgun.
  • Gunpowder: Loads a shell into the Shotgun.
  • Key: Unlocks a random chest, which contains a random item.
  • Shield: Blocks one attack from the Shotgun.
  • Trap: Sets a trap that damages the next player who steps on it.

Tips for Using Items

Here are a few tips for using items effectively in Buckshot Roulette:

  • Use Beer to your advantage. Beer is a great way to empty the Shotgun's chamber, giving you a chance to reload or escape.
  • Combine items to create powerful combos. For example, you can use a Bullet and Gunpowder to load a shell into the Shotgun, then use a Dice to roll a high number and eject multiple shells.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment. There are many different ways to use items in Buckshot Roulette, so don't be afraid to try different things to see what works best for you.
