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The Meaning Behind 32 Lgbtq Pride Flags

The Meaning Behind 32 LGBTQ Pride Flags

Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer

By Elizabeth Yuko

In the LGBTQ community, we signify our pride with flags. With many different identities in the community, there come many different flags to know. The rainbow flag or pride flag is a symbol of LGBT pride and LGBT social movements. The colors reflect the diversity of the LGBT community.

Die LGBT Pride Flag, auch Regenbogenfahne genannt, entstand 1978 in San Francisco als Harvey Milk, der erste geoutete schwule Mann, der in die Stadtverwaltung von San Francisco gewählt wurde, Gilbert Baker beauftragte, eine Fahne für die Gay Pride Parade zu entwerfen.

31 Different Pride Flags and What Each Stands For..
