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The Presidents Transition To Potus

Biden's New Twitter Presence

The President's Transition to POTUS

Social Media Shift

In an unprecedented move, the official Twitter account of the President of the United States, @POTUS, has been transferred to President Joe Biden. This marks a significant departure from past transitions, where the outgoing president typically retained control of the account.

Biden's Debut

President Biden's first tweet under the @POTUS handle was a message of unity and determination:

"There's never been a time more urgent than now to restore our democracy and build a nation that lives up to its ideals. I'm honored to serve you as your president."


The tweet was met with widespread praise and support, with many commentators noting the significance of Biden's inclusive language and his focus on addressing the challenges facing the nation.

Follow Biden on Twitter

To stay up-to-date on the latest news and announcements from the President, be sure to follow the official @POTUS Twitter account. By following the President's official account, you'll have access to exclusive updates, information, and insights from the White House.
